
Celebrating the life of Paul Victor Deibel II

The Black and White picture at the top was taken by me while Vic and I were hunting at Tejon ranch. Technically it's not a great portrait but it's the way I saw Vic when we went hunting in the field. He'd lead us down a path and put his hand out to quietly say stop. Then he'd play the call. That's what that image is.......how I saw him when standing behind him waiting to say that he can hear a bird miles out. He titled that call "The Sister to the BHB"(bearded hen bone). I don't know who has the other one but Vic claimed it had some sort of mystical power coming of a bearded hen."Cadence" he say,"it's all about the cadence".

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I have the other one. It is picture below. Vic laminated ivory to Blackwood. I took photos of both sides. If you'll notice the photo you reference, you can see the lamination of the ivory and Blackwood in it.

I agree with Vic on cadence. It is all about the cadence. I have heard numerous real hens that sounded awful to my ear. I would sneak up on them thinking it had to be a person calling. However, they always turned out to be hens and I started to realize they had the "cadence".

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