
Celebrating the life of Paul Victor Deibel II

When I left on my 3 week hunt through the mid west, Oregon season had not opened yet.I decided I would start this morning to fill my tags. Like some of you I wanted to use one of Vic's calls.I dug out his version of a Gibson Call!I Did not know what to expect as I had not scouted and the weather report when I was gone was mostly cold and rain.I scraped frost off of my windshield on my way to one of my spots.The spot I selected was a vertical hillside wood patch that separates two hillside pastures.The wood patch at it's widest is 80 yards in the middle. It tapers down on both ends.The birds normally roost on the top about 200yds away. I usually set up on the bottom.It is essential that I determine what side they come to the call if they come at all to enable me to move closer to the best set up on the proper side It is too thick for them to get through the wood patch! It is only fitting that on this hunt w/Vic's call that something would happen that I had never experienced before.Ground fog moved in.It was about 60yds up.I could see clear sky above the fog.Gobbling started.I determined they were coming down the right side.I moved up to meet them. The fog was an issue but not to the degree to keep them in the roost.I could see 50 yds.Gun up waiting.When the Gobbling was to me,no birds???Befuddlement and confusion!!!The acoustics in that valley are different,and with the fog altering them more, I did not realize they were coming down the other side and were directly behind me. Erie sensation to be that wrong!!!I Figured out later that they had gone down the other side to my original calling spot.I never could see the birds and still did not know what I was dealing with.They worked their way down to the bottom pasture that is 200yds wide and nearly a mile long. It's a beautiful Ranch.The Gobblers work this bottom and call hens off of the hill.Worked my way down to the bottom. Through the ground fog I caught a brief look at a strutter 300yds away and did not see any hens.Perfect! No hens and I figured two Gobblers.NOT!! These birds have little pressure,but natures way is the hens still go to the Gobblers.My program in these situations is to call softly enough to let them know I'm there,but that I'm not coming.I try to sweat then out!I called 3 times softly in an hour.I could not see the birds but they gobbled continually in one spot. The 4th time I called I moved back and away 70 yds and called with some emotion on Vic's call,the only call I used.It took them 5minutes for them to walk up to me as the fog lifted and the sun broke through.Took the Strutter!!!  We will miss you! Thanks for the pleasure of your company all those years. Herb.

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Pertaining to yesterdays hunt. I have never called to an echo of birds before.
Congrats on the bird and a great story. Glad to see one of Vic's calls do the job.

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